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Mutants and masterminds 3rd edition power

Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is Green Ronin Publishing,.. Robots for mutants & masterminds third edition writing and design. free download as pdf file .pdf), text file .txt) or read online for free gadget guide.. 3rd Edition GamemasterS Guide Pdf Download. Aug 11,  · The book collects the individual M&M Power Profile PDF supplements (Drive ThruPower Profile - Armor Mutants & Masterminds 3e - Gadget Guide - Alien Tech. Mutants & Masterminds 3e - Power Profile - Cosmic Mar 15,  · Download Mutants and Masterminds Gadget Guides PDF Maria Jewett. Game Geeks # Mutants and Masterminds, Download Haymarket: A Novel PDF - Duration.

mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download

Mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download

Any number of alien civi- lizations have contact with Earth, ranging from the lone survivors of long-lost worlds and peaceful explorers to in- vading empires, marauding warlords, or inhuman horrors. Each of these alien species has its own technology, used to further its purposes, and often mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download advanced as to appear like just another super-power to the inhabitants of a world of costumed heroes and villains.

The important thing about an alien descriptor is the lack of familiarity earthly characters may have with alien technology. Not only might it be far in advance of human science see the Unfamiliar Technology sidebar but alien tech might have completely different design esthetics as well; whereas a human-designed weapon is fairly easily recognized as a weapon, an alien weapon might mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download be apparent until it is actually used, or what appears to be a weapon could prove to be just a sensor or recording device for alien scientists or tourists!

This unfamiliarity can lead to misunder- standings between humans and aliens, creating con- flicts in a story. Preternatural is a step beyond merely alien. Preter- natural effects and technologies may not even follow the same physical laws as those we know, belong- ing to an entirely different region of the universe or a differentvastly aliencosmos altogether.

Such things are truly unnatural and may have a frighten- ing quality to them, even in just their implications. Pre- ternatural versions of alien technology often have dis- turbing biological elements, perhaps being a form of alien biotech see Gadget Guide: Biotech for details. Super-Science is scientific understanding beyond Earths modern science, and technology based upon it.

Its purely speculative, fictional, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download, science like faster- than-light travel or teleportation, for example. It is generally fine if limited to ve- hicles and installations, along with fairly routine equipment like weapons and life support, but the GM is encouraged to make unusual alien technology into powers with the Removable flaw or a suitable Power Loss complication rather than equipment acquired with points from the Equipment advantage.

See Chapter 7 of the Heros Handbook for additional discussion. More often, they arrive on Earth as invaders, armed for combat. Alien arsenals may include any of the weapons from the various other Gadget Guides, particularly Energy Weapons, although some particularly warlike species also favor various close combat weapons as well. The blaster technol- ogy of certain species may carry a particular signature color, noise, beam frequency, etc.

These are often similar to various archaic human weapons see Gadget Guide: Archaic Weapons and Asian Weapons perhaps with a slight modification or the addition of a weapon feature or two. Close weapons from an advanced culture may be forged from nigh-indestructible alloys or have additional tech- nological features like damaging energy fields or even blades of solidified force.

A control pod typically attaches to the skin near the head or spinal cord, sending a mind controlling signal to the victim. Preter- natural control pods are often creatures in their own right: small mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download that latch onto and control their victims, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download. If a control pod is tiny and easily hidden say, at the base of the spine it may also have the Subtle modifier.

Some control pods need careful placement, adding Grab-based or Limited to Restrained Targets a 2 per rank flaw. Containment pods are individual life support units that keep creatures placed within them in a state of suspended animation, allowing them to be revived at a later time.

For some alien species, this might even function as a larder, preserving creatures like humans as food At the GMs discretion, containment pods can be consid- ered an added headquarters feature, much like prison cells, in which case the feature improves existing Holding Cells for any number of prisoners based on the size of the installation.

These fields can provide cells capable of withstanding the kind of might superhumans can bring to bear, and might have other features as well, including power dampeners see Gadget Guide: Power Gadgets for an example.

Force cells may be a feature of an alien vessel or installa- tion, applying the Impervious extra to the Toughness of the Holding Cells feature. A gun-jamming field can turn a small fighting chance on the part of Earthly security and military forces into a complete rout when soldiers guns fail to work. Apply ad- ditional ranks of the Area modifier to expand the fields influence over a wider area, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download.

Indi- vidual devices have a limited range, but can be boosted by base vehicles, installations, or orbiting vessels. Successful Technology checks using an examination suite can provide the user with details about a beings physiology, capabilities, and weaknesses. The probe requires fitting leads or scanner pods closely around the subjects head, so it can only be used fairly motionless subjects usually restrained in some fashion.

This piece of technology automatically provides translations from a vast database of languages and can quickly and easily extrapolate based on brief exposure to new languages. Mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download may be entirely calculation-based, or have a telepathic component, allowing speakers to un- derstand each other in their native languages.

While even a 5 penalty may seem small dealing with advanced technology from another civilization, comic book characters do so quite often, so the usual circumstance penalties tend to be sufficient. In a more realistic setting, the GM may wish to up the penalty to 10 or more. Also note that checks involving alien tech usually cannot be considered routine, unless the character is both familiar with the technology and has a sufficient check bonus to ignore the additional circumstance modifier.

Conversely, aliens who are unfamiliar with Earth technology might suffer circumstance penalties, but are more likely to deal with various Unfamiliar with Earth complications. It is often not that they do not understand how a particular tech- nology mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download, rather they do not know what it is used for.

For example, an alien may understand the concept of plumbing and running water, but may not initially realize that human beings use streams of pressurized water to clean themselves, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download, rather than safe, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download, dry, and efficient ultrasonic showers or nano-cleansing agents.

This can lead to some mishaps and un- intended comedy for aliens trying to live amongst humans. What happens to all of the tech alien invaders and visitors leave behind on Earth and what impact does it have on human technology? The simplest option is not to worry about it: The tech is simply too advanced for humans to even begin to understand it, like Neanderthals trying to figure out a smartphone.

We might be able to get it to work mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download a while, at least but any effort to take it apart or replicate it likely wrecks it, and might have dire consequences, leading to another adventure hook. The super-geniuses likely able to figure the stuff mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download have reasons to keep their insights to themselves: the heroes to keep techno- logical advancements away from mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download world not yet ready to handle them, the villain to keep technological advan- tages to themselves.

Another option is to allow for some alien influence on human technology. After all, most comic book worlds have super-science of one sort or another avail- able to governments, megacorporations, and other organizations with sufficient resources.

Whos to say some of that didnt come from studying and reverse- engineering mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download tech?

Those factions are still likely to keep their inventions top-secret for as long as pos- sible to retain their advantage, and some alien-derived tech may be considered too unstable or dangerous for widespread use. Lastly, samples of alien technology could revolution- ize human society as we know it, creating tremendous leaps forward in scientific understanding and technical capabilities. A few years after acquiring a working FTL drive, for example, some human nations might have their own hyperspace ships, capable of visiting and colonizing!

Take this step carefully, as it changes the style of the setting, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download, but it can make for an exciting and dynamic one as humanity encounters new opportunities and challenges afforded by such ad- vancements.

Aliens may want to visit Earth incog- nito for a number of reasons, ranging from scientific re- search with care not to contaminate or influence human culture to scouting parties or saboteurs preceding an invasion force.

It creates the realistic illusion of a human appearance, even allowing the wearer to imitate specific humans. A chameleon cloak changes appearance and voice to create an effective disguise, but will not fool other sensors, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download, so some caution is still needed. Damage to the cloak the equivalent to a stunned condition can also cause it to flicker, revealing the wearers true appearance.

Alien technology may allow them to vanish from sight. A cloaking device can be a personal item for scouts and spies or installed in a vessel, allowing it to escape detection even while in orbit above the Earth or parked in the middle of a field or clearing! Ship-based cloaking devices often add additional sensesparticu- lar radioto their Concealment to hide from the sensor sweeps of other vessels. Cloaking Device: Concealment 4 visual 8 points!

The mind mask either makes the wearer mentally invisible or else provides an unremarkable mental faade to fool mind-readers. A mind mask is often incorporated into a chameleon cloak to enhance its concealment. Such teleportation technology may also allow aliens to move quickly and covertly around a planet, using either a ground-based installation or their ship as a relay station.

An alien teleporter needs a minimum rank of 15 to operate from geostationary orbit above the Earth a bit over 22, miles but a rank as low as 11 is capable of operating from low-Earth orbit around 2, miles. Teleporter: Teleport, Extended, Limited to Extended 2 points per rank A similar technology for some aliens is a teleportal: a gateway defined by a technological framework which creates a warp in space or even between dimensions, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download, al- lowing aliens to travel simply by stepping through it.

A tele- portal might simply add the Portal modifier to a teleporter or it could be Dimensional Travel technology for aliens from another universe to enter our own. Portals of various sorts are common for preternatural alien species. In many ways the space-ship, from the classic flying saucer to a city-sized mothership, is a staple of alien technology. Many alien vessels are armed, mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download.

Hover sleds are common patrol and combat vehicles for planetary surfaces, and may be equipped with forward mounted weapons, or a second crew person standing behind the pilot, able to fire weapons in any direction to the sides or rear of the craft.

A larger version of the hover sled, designed more as a troop carrier for a cluster of a dozen or so medium-sized person- nel, usually with a low raised edge the soldiers can easily step or jump over to disembark.

Like the hover sled, a plat- form may be mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download, typically with heavier weapons, such as a blaster cannon operated by two or more of its crew. The troop lander is compar- atively bulky and difficult to maneuver, but well armored. It lands in a drop zone and opens large bay doors to quickly off-load troops and even smaller vehicles like hover sledsthen usually withdraws to a safe distance or returns to its mothership to transport additional troops.

Some scout ships are useful for peaceful exploration, while others are military scouts, intended to learn as much as possible about a civilizations technology, defenses, and potential value for conquest.

Space fighters come in a wide range of con- figurations, some with a crew of one or two a pilot, plus a possible copilot or gunner while others are automated and run by robots or remotely piloted from another loca- tion such as a control ship.

Some space fighters have their own faster-than-light drives, but most are intended to be deployed from larger interstellar mother ships. All Rights Reserved. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.

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Mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download

mutants and masterminds gadget guide pdf download

Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is Green Ronin Publishing,.. Robots for mutants & masterminds third edition writing and design. free download as pdf file .pdf), text file .txt) or read online for free gadget guide.. 3rd Edition GamemasterS Guide Pdf Download. Mar 15,  · Download Mutants and Masterminds Gadget Guides PDF Maria Jewett. Game Geeks # Mutants and Masterminds, Download Haymarket: A Novel PDF - Duration. MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS GADGET GUIDES APPENDIX: INVENTING APPENDIX: INVENTING Superhero gadgetry has to come from somewhere and, generally speaking, it is not being mass produced. On the contrary, most of the amazing devices used by heroes and villains are one-of-a-kind or specialized items made by lone inventors.

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